Friday, January 9, 2009

Ummmm six to ten things.....Is that what you said Isabella?

1: I wake up and do a bible reading
2: EAt Yummy BREKY!
3: EAT fruit
4: check emails
5: pysical activity of some sort (eg. dance, walk, jump on trampoline, play tag with my lil bro)
6: tell someone to smile
7: text, phone or chat online to a friend

lol. Isabella, seeing as we are co-owners I'll let the list stand as it is but change Browns to Whitewishes.

and now I ccomment right?
I'm so confused!!!!!


Anna-Ruth said...

Here is the comment Isabella. (are you isabella #1 or #2?)

Anna-Ruth said...

I think I'm number 1...

Anna-Ruth said...

sweet as ae. I'll be number 2 then...are you thinking what I'm thinking number 1???? lol.

sleep well ellie